Six factor formula

The six-factor formula is used in nuclear engineering to determine the multiplication of a nuclear chain reaction in a non-infinite medium. The formula is[1]

k = \eta f p \epsilon P_{FNL} P_{TNL}
Symbol Name Meaning Formula Typical Thermal Reactor Value
\eta Reproduction Factor (Eta) The number of fission neutrons produced per absorption in the fuel.  \eta = \frac{\nu \sigma_f^F}{\sigma_a^F} 1.65
f The thermal utilization factor Probability that a neutron that gets absorbed does so in the fuel material. f = \frac{\Sigma_a^F}{\Sigma_a} 0.71
p The resonance escape probability Fraction of fission neutrons that manage to slow down from fission to thermal energies without being absorbed. p \approx \mathrm{exp} \left( -\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} N_i I_{r,A,i}}{\left( \overline{\xi} \Sigma_p \right)_{mod}} \right) 0.87
\epsilon The fast fission factor (Epsilon)
\tfrac{\mbox{total number of fission neutrons}}{\mbox{number of fission neutrons from just thermal fissions}}
\epsilon \approx 1 %2B \frac{1-p}{p}\frac{u_f \nu_f P_{FAF}}{f \nu_t P_{TAF} P_{TNL}} 1.02
P_{FNL} The fast non-leakage probability The probability that a fast neutron will not leak out of the system. P_{FNL} \approx \mathrm{exp} \left( -{B_g}^2 \tau_{th} \right) 0.97
P_{TNL} The thermal non-leakage probability The probability that a thermal neutron will not leak out of the system. P_{TNL} \approx \frac{1}{1%2B{L_{th}}^2 {B_g}^2} 0.99

The symbols are defined as [2]:


The multiplication factor, k, is defined as (see Nuclear chain reaction):

k = \frac{\mbox{number of neutrons in one generation}}{\mbox{number of neutrons in preceding generation}}

If k is greater than 1, the chain reaction is supercritical, and the neutron population will grow exponentially.
If k is less than 1, the chain reaction is subcritical, and the neutron population will exponentially decay.
If k = 1, the chain reaction is critical and the neutron population will remain constant.

See also


  1. ^ Duderstadt, James; Hamilton, Louis (1976). Nuclear Reactor Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-22363-8. 
  2. ^ Adams, Marvin L. (2009). Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Theory. Texas A&M University.